Creating coupons

Using coupons can be a powerful marketing tool for your dropshipping online store. If you want to create a coupon, go to AliDropship => Settings => Coupons and click Add new button.

Enable a coupon and change its name if you want.

To set the value of your discount, first choose the discount type (% Discount or $ Amount), and then enter a percentage or monetary value for the discount.
You can specify how many times you want this coupon to be used by entering a number in the field Usage limit.

It is possible to set a minimum order amount for a coupon. For example, you can use this option if you want the coupon to be used only in case your customer’s total purchase reaches $10 (like on the screenshot below).

You can set the Start and End dates for your marketing campaign, on which a coupon will be valid. Or you can select Never expires option to make your discount offer run permanently.

You can select which products a coupon can be applied to. There are 3 options:

  1. to all products
  2. to selected products
  3. to selected categories

You can enable option to apply a coupon both to product and shipping costs. Save settings.